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What AeroM does

Saiahar Sanman is a Bangalore based public limited company engaged in trading activities with qualified professional group of directors bringing in the experience of various fields in technology, art, and marketing to make it a company of great repute and good will.

AeroM is a subsidiary of Saiahar Sanman. We provide:

1) Educational Programs on aero modelling in Schools and Colleges.

2) Aero modelling Instructor Training Programme.

3) OEM for Indian Air Force Suryakiran Aerobatic Team.

4) Provide customized service on demand.

5) Sole manufacturers of Boomerang Planes.

6) Boomerang Planes are copyrighted.

Manufacturers of Boomerang Planes, Hand Launch Gliders, Catapult Launch Gliders, Rubber Powered Gliders, and Custom designed flying model planes.

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